2022 SAVE Promise Club Award Winners


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Let’s celebrate this year’s SAVE Promise Club award winners! We honor the hard work they did to create safe, inclusive schools and communities.

Sandy Hook Promise is excited to recognize 36 Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Promise Clubs for outstanding work in creating safer and kinder schools and communities. Each awardee receives recognition and $250 for their club activities. 

Award Categories

Clubs receiving awards included elementary, middle, and high school clubs as well as community-based clubs. Awards presented include: Alex Orange Legacy Award, Social Media Award, Youth Empowerment Award, Youth Engagement Award, Youth Encouragement Award, Youth Education Award, Community Engagement Award, Service Project Award, Upstander Award, Inclusion Award, Promise Challenge Award, and the Advocacy Award.

Elementary Schools

Overall Club-Alex Orange Legacy Award: Hillside Ave Elementary School, Cranford, New Jersey

Hillside Ave Elementary School did a phenomenal job exemplifying the ideals of SAVE Promise Clubs and all 4 E’s by Engaging, Encouraging, Educating and Empowering students throughout the year as they participated in meaningful violence prevention and relationship building activities along with community outreach initiatives.

Social Media Award: Pembroke Lakes Elementary School, Pembroke Pines, Florida 

Pembroke Lakes Elementary’s ‘Social Walls’ captured and engaged student activities throughout the year and demonstrated the importance of community engagement and leadership.

Youth Empowerment Award: South Miami K-8 Center, Miami, Florida

This year South Miami SAVE Promise Club organized school-wide community service projects and hosted projects that promoted compassion, inclusion, kindness, and caring. They exhibited excellent teamwork in helping others.

Youth Engagement Award: Oakland Park Elementary, Oakland Park, Florida

Oakland Park Elementary students worked hard each month to make a difference in their school’s setting to welcome and spread kindness to others. Their work is an awesome display of empathy, acceptance, and inclusion.

Youth Encouragement Award: North Andrews Gardens Elementary School, Oakland Park, Florida

The SAVE Promise Club at North Andrews Gardens Elementary spread kindness and encouragement through great messages and promotions of non-violence, antiracism, anti-bullying, kindness, and respect.

Youth Education Award: Fifth Ward Junior High School, Bush, Louisiana

Fifth Ward Junior High School’s Save Promise Club led groups to educate their peers on spreading kindness and awareness and shared how it would impact the community in a positive way.

Community Engagement Award: Tarpon Springs Fundamental Elementary School, Tarpon Springs, Florida

Students included their community of all ages ranging from kindergarten to 99. Each student and staff member contributed to a heart-filled banner of kindness messages for the school and made flowers with positive sayings which were donated to a nearby nursing home.

Service Project Award: Rock Island Elementary School, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Students are serving their community by having club members as designated “trusted students” – a friendly face for other students and youth to talk to if they needed support. Trusted students supported youth that came to them with friendship cards and/or by bringing in a trusted adult to the conversation. Direct care of community members makes for a healthier and safer community for all!

Upstander Award: Eberhart Elementary School, Chicago, Illinois 

Club members educated and empowered their peers to be upstanders by training them on the three steps of Say Something. This led to several students reaching out to trusted adults when the threat of a gun being brought to school appeared on social media. Way to encourage and engage upstanders!

Inclusion Award: La Mirada Elementary School, San Ysidro, California

This Club engaged in art and creative activities to encourage an inclusive school to spread kindness. Name tags with positive words to describe themselves, gratitude messages for teachers, and recess was an intentional space for students to make new friends and support each other with projects.

Promise Challenge Award: Pembroke Pines Elementary School, Pembroke Pines, Florida

High fives and double snaps for the activities to keep the promise that these students developed – day of service and love, good morning yoga, weekly conflict resolution sessions, and 10 minutes of mindfulness. All while elevating the 4 E’s of SAVE Promise Club – Educate, Empower, Encourage, and Engage!

Advocacy Award: Beachside Montessori Village, Hollywood, Florida

Club members took pride in making a positive impact on others and empowering the voices of their peers. Students asked others to play at recess, they trained other students on peer mediation, and learned yoga and mindfulness strategies together. Advocacy begins with the individual voice to form community with others. Well done!

Middle Schools

Overall Club: Alex Orange Legacy Award: William Pitcher Junior High School, Covington, Louisiana

Students at William Pitcher Junior High School were true ambassadors for SHP programs by including students who were socially isolated through practicing “say hello” in multiple languages and handing out positive affirmation cards. They created a rap song to encourage their fellow students to tap in on kindness, nonviolence, and inclusivity.

Youth Encouragement Award: North Marion Middle School, Citra, Florida

During a time of pandemic uncertainty, North Marion’s Club members remained steadfast in their efforts to make their community safer. From mentoring younger students to marching for peace, this SAVE Promise Club empowered and encouraged its young people in the club and throughout the school.

Upstander Award: Jane Addams Middle School, Lawndale, California

The SAVE Promise Club at Jane Addams worked hard to ensure all students felt connected to their school. This included both Start with Hello and Say Something activities as well as going above and beyond for students in the foster care system and those who were new to the United States. Mental health was an important part of this Club’s actions as they focused on self-care, spreading kindness, and caring for the environment.

Promise Challenge Award: Madison Middle School, Trumbull, Connecticut 

Madison Middle School upheld the Sandy Hook Promise by holding multiple events to help students feel included, such as dress up days, ‘Taco-bou-it Tuesday’, and more. They continued to help their fellow students by writing kindness messages on cups and handing out lemonade at lunches! This SAVE Promise Club is living up to the name!

Youth Education Award: Burnet Middle School, Burnet, Texas

The Interact/SAVE Promise Club at Burnet Middle School made multiple videos for both Start with Hello and Say Something Weeks to educate their classmates on both programs. They held door decorating contests in Advisory classes to help build community and Start with Hello with each other. Even with COVID protocols, BMS found ways to teach and include all students!

Advocacy Award: Union Middle School, Clinton, North Carolina

The SAVE Promise Club at Union Middle School worked to advocate for students who had been bullied and made a plan with school administration to address it. A kindness poster contest was held with high participation! Students focused on social-emotional learning and working to make their fellow students feel safer and comfortable at school.

Community Engagement Award: Broadview Middle School, Danbury, Connecticut

Students in the SAVE Promise Club at Broadview Middle School arranged a training specifically for Spanish speaking students and did Start with Hello announcements all year long! They continued to engage not only their school, but also their community by conducting several service projects.

Service Project Award: Sawgrass Springs Middle School, Coral Springs, Florida

The SAVE Promise Club at Sawgrass Springs Middle School worked hard throughout the year to promote nonviolence, inclusion, and safety—even working on Say Something videos over Spring Break! They carried these messages through their service projects with Meals on Wheels and a local retirement home. Well done!

Youth Engagement Award: Tyrone Middle School, St. Petersburg, Florida

The SAVE Promise Club at Tyrone Middle School is truly an example of engaged youth working together to keep their school and community safe! They planned events to educate not only students and staff, but also parents during school pick-up. What a great idea!

Social Media Award: Hialeah Gardens Middle School, Hialeah Gardens, Florida

Not only does the SAVE Promise Club at Hialeah Gardens Middle School do phenomenal activities like covering the locker rooms in kindness notes, but they share it on social media to help spread their positive messages!

Inclusion Award: Fort King Middle School, Ocala, Florida

All year long, the SAVE Promise Club at Fort King Middle School worked to create a positive and caring atmosphere at their school. They made new student bags, hosted a ‘Hello Day’, and created opportunities for students to get to know one another. Way to go!

Youth Empowerment Award: Will Rogers Middle, Lawndale, California 

The student leaders at Will Rogers Middle went above and beyond to ensure that students in their school knew the steps of Say Something and that everyone had a trusted adult that they could go to. This SAVE Promise Club knows what youth empowerment is all about—great job!

High Schools

Overall Club-Alex Orange Legacy Award: High Point Regional High School, Sussex, New Jersey

The SAVE Promise Club at High Point Regional High School did a phenomenal job on every activity they took on—which was a lot! They had welcoming activities every single day for Start With Hello Week and educated the 800+ students in their school on how to keep each other safe. Well done!

Promise Challenge Award: Cutler Bay Senior High School, Cutler Bay, Florida 

Cutler Bay Senior High School worked hard to create a welcoming environment back to school this year after remote learning. The students integrated inclusion, kindness, and tolerance into all their activities, bringing students and staff together.

Youth Education Award: Del Norte High, San Diego, California 

The student leaders at Del Norte High visited five elementary schools where they engaged the students in discussions on how to make their schools a better place. Through their educational activities during Say Something Week, they were able to see a big difference in students reaching out to trusted adults on campus.

Youth Empowerment Award: Mt. Carmel High, San Diego, California

Mt. Carmel High consistently empowered their student body to make a difference by leading creative trusted adult activities.  They even created signs for Start With Hello Week in the 48 languages spoken by their student body! Wow—great work!

Community Engagement Award: Aurora High School, Aurora, Ohio

The SAVE Promise Club at Aurora High School has succeeded in making inclusion and engagement part of their school culture, but they didn’t stop there! Students wrote thank you cards, hosted a breakfast, and baked items for their local first responders.

Inclusion Award: Abraxas Continuation High, Poway, California

The student leaders of Abraxas Continuation High’s SAVE Promise Club held seven campus-wide events to foster increased positivity and to help improve the school climate. They made sure that everyone felt included and left no one out as they spread kindness around like confetti!

Upstander Award: Brandon High School, Brandon, Mississippi 

Brandon High SAVE Promise Club worked hard this year to promote upstanders and inclusion. The students are truly proud of their school, they step up to be involved, take care of each other, and make a positive difference. Brandon High School SAVE Promise Club truly represents the ideals of Sandy Hook Promise. Fantastic Work!

Social Media Award: Calexico High School, Calexico, California

Calexico’s SAVE Promise Club members have engaged the entire school community in activities throughout the year.  They used Instagram as a way of promoting special events at the school, celebrating student and staff successes and special events.  They have done a great job sharing updates and positivity!

Advocacy Award: North Broward Preparatory School, Coconut Creek, Florida

The  Feltingoff  SAVE Promise Club at North Broward Prep does an amazing job promoting all of Sandy Hook Promise’s programs within their whole school and out into the greater community.  The members are working to elevate the student voice on important issues to local, state and national leaders. They truly exemplify the ideals of SAVE Promise Clubs and all 4 E’s by Engaging, Encouraging, Educating and Empowering students to participate in meaningful violence prevention activities.

Youth Encouragement Award: Hickory Ridge High School, Harrisburg, North Carolina

The Hickory Ridge High School SAVE Promise Club has done an outstanding job this year of getting their whole school involved in Start With Hello, Say Something and so many other difference-making projects. The club members brought energy, enthusiasm, and genuine interest in making their school community a better place for everyone.

Youth Engagement Award: Amos Alonzo Stagg High School, Palos Hills, Illinois 

Amos Alonzo Stagg SAVE Promise Club has continued their phenomenal work building the engagement of their entire student body in activities. This is especially true of their incredible Say Something Week. Wonderful work bringing in so many diverse students to work together for a safer, more inclusive school environment.

Service Project Award: West Forsyth High School, Clemmons, North Carolina

West Forsyth High School’s SAVE Promise Club had an incredibly busy year. They participated in and led 19 different activities and projects for their students and community. They truly went above and beyond in their great work promoting school safety and inclusion. Fantastic job West Forsyth SAVE Promise Club!

About SAVE Promise Clubs

Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Promise Club is the student leadership initiative of Sandy Hook Promise. Alongside our Youth Advisory Board, SAVE Promise Clubs empower youth leaders to take an active role in increasing school safety and preventing different forms of violence in schools and communities.

View the 2021 winners