Say Something Week Award Winners 2022

Group picture of students from Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary School behind a "We are Upstanders" frame.

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Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Say Something Week Awards. SAVE Promise Clubs, students, and educators showed incredible creativity. Our judges at Sandy Hook Promise were so amazed by the submissions that we chose twelve winners!

Many thanks to everyone for the hard work they put into making Say Something Week 2022 a success. Congratulations to these Upstanders and Trusted Adults!


Jefferson Middle School, California

Students and staff at Jefferson Middle School got in the Say Something spirit this year. The SAVE Promise Club volunteered their free time to get everything ready. They decorated their school with green ribbons and printed mini-posters that their classmates filled with inspiring messages. Watch the video.

Aurora High School, Ohio

Aurora High School did so many amazing activities for Say Something Week. They included a scavenger hunt, a Trusted Adult box, and lunchtime games. They also screened and discussed Sandy Hook Promise’s “Teenage Dream” PSA with all students. Check out their presentation.

Sawgrass Springs Middle School SAVE Promise Club, Florida

The Sawgrass Springs Middle School SAVE Promise Club students planned activities every day of Say Something Week. The whole school felt the Say Something energy. Their advisor says “they believe and truly live the Mission of Sandy Hook Promise.”

Norland Elementary School, Florida

Norland Elementary brought hearts and minds to Say Something Week. Hearts were full as students recited an original poem written by a Sandy Hook Promise staff member. Minds were working overtime as students took surveys before and after the event to see how much they learned.

Mt. Carmel High School, California

Mt. Carmel High School put the Say Something message into action. Several students were concerned about a classmate who was showing warning signs. They reached out to their Trusted Adults and now their classmate is getting the help they need. See their presentation on awareness raising activities.

North Marion Middle School SAVE Promise Club, Florida

North Marion Middle School brought the positivity to Say Something Week this year. They gave their social worker a “Thank you for being a Trusted Adult” award. Students did several activities throughout the week to celebrate unity and positivity!

John F. Kennedy High School, California

Collaboration was the name of the game for the applicant, a senior at John F. Kennedy High School. Several clubs got involved and organized a week of events. The highlight was a giant tree mural made up of students’ pledges to say something. Amazing work! Watch the video.

Mukwonago High School, Wisconsin

In addition to spreading awareness and knowledge, Mukwonago High School challenged everyone to put their Say Something spirit to the test! They held a poster contest highlighting reasons students should “say something” and a competition to see which class can wear the most green.

East Side Elementary School, Tennessee

East Side Elementary School learned so much about Say Something this year. They completed Trusted Adult Triangles so students could identify their Trusted Adults, both in and out of school. They also had a Trusted Adult wall, so students could see and point to who they would “say something” to.

Calexico High School, California

Students at Calexico High School celebrated by breaking stigma, wearing green and taking the Say Something pledge! In fact, the activities also featured a pie-eating contest with twist. A warning sign was on the bottom of the pie tray and students had to shout out the warning sign to win. Additionally, they had a cookie-decorating booth, encouraging students to get creative with frosting. View their informative, and yummy, presentation!

Palos South Middle School, Illinois

Palos South Middle School went all out for Say Something and had a theme for every day of the week. The themes were Morning Message Monday, Trusted Adult Tuesday, Work Together Wednesday, “Lucky To Be 118” Parade Thursday, and Photo Booth Friday. Incredible work, Palos South SAVE Promise Club!

Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary School, California

Students at Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary learned all about the Say Something message. They embedded the lessons of Say Something within a fun, themed spirit week They held their own Student Voices Contest. Students created amazing art and incredible writing!

Honorable Mentions

Biloxi High School

School District of Indian River County

Mount Vernon Elementary

Passaic Valley Regional High School

North Broward Preparatory School

Pritcher Junior High SAVE Promise Club

How You Can Get Started With Say Something

By knowing the signs and reporting possible threats of violence, entire communities become safer. Lives are saved. Find out how you can bring the Say Something program to your community.