Monica, a Promise Leader and Save Promise Club advisor from Woodland Hills in California isn’t about to let the COVID-19 pandemic and stay at home orders keep her Serrania Elementary School Kindness Club down.
In the months since the pandemic first began, Monica has been using a variety of technology and other tools to keep her students connected. She’s also been providing club members with a variety of activities to keep engaged with the community, from writing letters to seniors in local nursing homes to creating thank you baskets. Delivery people receive bookmarks, candy and other gifts out of the Kindness Club’s gratitude for their service during this difficult time.
“I’m happy to report I have continued my Promise Club online,” Monica said recently. “ I hold ZOOM meetings once a week and our activities that we have done fit perfectly into Giving Tuesday! We have already done a few activities paying it forward: Thank You Baskets for our delivery people, pen pal letters to our seniors in a local nursing home, and our Heart Hunting windows. It hasn’t been as easy getting kids to participate online but it’s better than the club disappearing. I wasn’t going to let that happen!”
There are lots of different ways to keep your students engaged despite the closure of schools around the country and stay at home orders. For more information on some activities you could do with your students or the children in your life, check out this activity guide.