Ohio Groups and SHP Work Together to Empower Young People to “Say Something”!

Ohio Groups and Sandy Hook Promise Work Together to Empower Young People to “Say Something” and Save Lives!

National Say Something Week, October 19 – 23, 2015, teaches youth how to recognize and respond to potential threats.

When it comes to acts of violence, including suicide and threats to others, most are communicated in some way before the incident occurs. In fact, in 4 out of 5 school shootings, the attacker told people of his/her plans ahead of time and 70% of people who die by suicide told someone of their intention or gave some type of warning or indication. Imagine how many of these tragedies could be averted if someone said something?

That’s the problem Sandy Hook Promise wants to solve. Their free program, “Say Something”, teaches students in grades 6 -12 how to recognize warning signs, signals and threats, especially in social media, from friends or individuals who may want to hurt themselves or others and then to intervene and Say Something to a trusted adult to get help. The program is based on research conducted by Dr. Dewey Cornell and Dr. Reid Meloy, two leading national experts in threat assessment and intervention.

“Most of the time, warning signs of violence are communicated in advance, such as on social media, or can be observed in a person’s behavior.  Unfortunately, not everyone knows what to do with that information,” said Mark Barden, Managing Director of Sandy Hook Promise and father of 7-year-old Daniel Barden who was killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  “Young people are the eyes and ears of their schools and community.  We can teach them how to properly identify and report threats, keeping themselves, their friends and their family safe.  They have the power to save lives.”

All schools and youth organizations across Ohio are encouraged to register to participate in Say Something Week and help their students be trained in how to prevent tragedies and “Say Something” to a trusted adult.  By participating they may also be eligible to apply for a special $10,000 “Say Something” award.

Participating schools and youth organizations will be given digital access to no-cost and easy to implement Say Something training materials, presentations and a planning guide. The training can be done in an assembly, classroom or through student leaders and only takes 25-45 minutes.  If help is needed, Sandy Hook Promise can work with the school to deliver the program and/or provide a trainer, if available.  All training materials and resources are completely free.

Ten statewide professional associations serving youth, schools and families have already partnered with Sandy Hook Promise to ask schools and youth organizations across Ohio to take part in National Say Something Week.  This includes the Ohio Parent Teacher Association (OPTA), the Ohio School Board Association (OSBA), the Ohio Association for Secondary School Administrators (OASSA), the Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success (OHMHNSS), the Coach Hall Foundation, Ohio Family and Children First (OFCF), the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (Ohio AAP), the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians (OAFP), the Ohio State Society of American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (Ohio ACOFP), and the Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association (OPPA).


About Sandy Hook Promise

Sandy Hook Promise (SHP) is a national, nonprofit organization based in Newtown, Connecticut. We are led by several family members whose loved ones were killed in the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012 that claimed the lives of 20 first-graders and 6 educators. Sandy Hook Promise is focused on preventing gun violence (and all violence) BEFORE it happens by educating and mobilizing parents, schools and communities on mental health and wellness programs that identify, intervene and help at-risk individuals. SHP is a moderate, above-the-politics organization that supports sensible non-policy and policy solutions that protect children and prevent gun violence. Our intent is to honor all victims of gun violence by turning our tragedy into a moment of transformation. Make the Promise at www.sandyhookpromise.org

About the Ohio Parent Teacher Association (OPTA)

Ohio PTA is a professional parent organization and the largest child advocacy organization.  PTA supports and speaks on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community, and before governmental agencies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children.  PTAassists parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children and to encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation. http://www.ohiopta.org/

About the Ohio School Board Association (OSBA)

OSBA leads the way to educational excellence by serving Ohio’s public school board members and the diverse districts they represent through superior service, unwavering advocacy and creative solutions. http://www.ohioschoolboards.org/

About the Ohio Association for Secondary School Administrators (OASSA)

The Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators is dedicated to the advocacy and welfare of its members. Our mission is to provide high standards of leadership through consultation and professional development, political astuteness, legislative influence, positive public relations, and collaboration with related organizations. http://www.oassa.org/

About the Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success (OHMHNSS)

OMHNSS is striving to help Ohio’s schools, community-based agencies, and families work together to achieve improved educational and developmental outcomes for all children, especially those at emotional or behavioral risk and those with mental health problems. www.omhnss.org/

About Ohio Family and Children First (OFCF)

OFCF is a partnership of state and local government, communities and families that enhances the well-being of Ohio’s children and families by building community capacity, coordinating systems and services, and engaging families.  OFCF’s vision is for every child and family to thrive and succeed within healthy communities. http://www.fcf.ohio.gov/

About the Coach Hall Foundation

To provide effective means to protect against school violence and improve the quality of life in our school communities. http://www.coachhallfoundation.org/

About the Ohio Academy of Family Physicians (OAFP)

The Ohio Academy of Family Physicians is a statewide, professional association with more than 4,800 members, including practicing family physicians, family medicine residents, and medical students. The scope of family medicine encompasses all ages, both sexes, and every disease entity. Family physicians provide comprehensive, continuing care to all members of the family. For more information, visit www.ohioafp.org.

About the Ohio Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (Ohio AAP)

The Ohio AAP promotes the health, safety and well-being of children and adolescents so they may reach their full potential. The Ohio AAP will accomplish this by addressing the needs of children, their families, and their communities, and by supporting Chapter members through advocacy, education, research, service, and improving the systems through which they deliver pediatric care. http://www.ohioaap.org/

About the Ohio State Society of American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (Ohio ACOFP)

The Ohio ACOFP is a statewide professional organization that promotes and preserves the osteopathic family physician as a professional extension of the family by serving as the primary source of health care and health information. Founded in 1952, Ohio ACOFP also works to provide better understanding to the public about the diversity of services provided by osteopathic family physicians. www.OhioACOFP.org

About the Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association (OPPA)

The OPPA is a statewide medical specialty organization whose more than one thousand physician members specialize in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illnesses, including substance use disorders. Psychiatric physicians utilize a variety of treatment options including psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy to effectively treat the dynamic, social and physical aspects of mental illnesses (brain disorders). The OPPA is dedicated to promoting the highest quality care for people with mental disorders and to serving the professional needs of Ohio’s psychiatric physicians. The OPPA is a district branch of the American Psychiatric Association, which was founded in 1844 and represents more than 36,000 psychiatric physicians nationally. www.ohiopsychiatry.org


Media Contact:

Aimee Thunberg, Senior Director, Communications, Sandy Hook Promise | [email protected] | 646-761-5579