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Tomorrow’s News

Watch Sandy Hook Promise’s powerful new video, “Tomorrow’s News,” which portrays the devastating impact of gun violence – and the many opportunities we have to prevent it. It might make some feel uncomfortable – but we don’t think anyone should ever feel comfortable about gun violence.

We hope you’ll watch all the way through.

When news breaks about yet another school shooting, we often feel a devastating sense of helplessness and hopelessness. Families and communities affected by the tragedy are left alone to wonder: How could we have stopped this?

That’s why Sandy Hook Promise’s Know the Signs programs are so important. Our no-cost trainings teach students and adults how to identify warning signs and signals of gun violence and empower them to intervene today before a tragedy occurs tomorrow.

Every $1 you give today helps us train one more person how to prevent gun violence, so please, donate today so we can keep offering these lifesaving programs at no cost to more schools and communities.

If you’re not able to donate, will you take a moment to learn more about how you can bring our Know the Signs programs to a local school or youth organization? Click here to download our Know the Signs guide and learn how to bring these free, lifesaving programs to your community.