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Gun Violence Threats are Not “Just Jokes”

Collage of comedians who were part of SHP's Just Joking campaign.

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The “Just Joking” Public Service Announcement (PSA) spotlights the need to take threats of gun violence seriously. Violent behavior is not a laughing matter or “just jokes.” Moreover, teens in high school know firsthand the epidemic of violence. They deserve a seat at the table in the gun violence prevention conversation.

With guidance from educators, teens can engage in those meaningful conversations around the PSA. By doing so, they will help spread awareness and play a pivotal role in the safety of their schools and communities.

“Just Joking” PSA

*** This video contains sensitive content related to gun violence that may be sensitive for some viewers. We recommend viewership be ages 15+***

The Conversation – For High Schoolers

Sandy Hook Promise programs show that gun violence isn’t inevitable; it is preventable. In fact, combined with the Know the Signs programs, thoughtful discussion is what lays the foundation for meaningful impact.

The PSA gives educators a valuable tool for their high school classrooms. It can help students understand their role in building safer communities.

Keep in mind, the PSA and its gun violence prevention message will gain a lot of attention on social media and streaming platforms. Therefore, expect a lot of questions from students. Preparation is essential.

The Educator Guide for the Classroom

Above all, youth Upstanders can help prevent acts of violence. In turn, Trusted Adults must provide support to work to keep communities safe. As Trusted Adults, we can help high school students with this cause. The PSA classroom activities can fit into regular classes and Social-Emotional Learning curriculum.

Adding these classroom activities to your school routine will empower students that extends beyond school. Help develop Upstanders committed to making their school and community safer for everyone.

Spread the Word – Gun Violence Threats Are Not Jokes

Sharing the “Just Joking” PSA can help us make a real impact in ending gun violence. You can use these sample social media posts to share with fellow educators and Trusted Adults in your network:

Post #1 

80% of school shooters tell someone about their plans. But too often, people think they’re “just joking.” Always take threats of violence seriously. Watch and share this new PSA by #SandyHookPromise. #ProtectOurKids #SaySomethingSavesLives #EndGunViolence 

Post #2 

Guns are the number one cause of death for kids under 19. It’s more important than ever to know the signs and speak up when you see concerning behavior. Watch and share #SandyHookPromise’s new “Just Joking” PSA. #ProtectOurKids