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Keeping Our Promise

Annual Impact Report 2023

Our Life-saving Impact Continues to Grow

As we reflect on a decade of gun violence prevention and youth safety work, we find renewed hope for a future where all children can be safe without fearing for their lives.

Your support is making schools safer, strengthening youth leadership and well-being, and advocating for responsible gun ownership in the United States. Through our Annual Impact Report, you’ll see how this looks and feels to students, parents, educators, elected officials, super-volunteers (our Promise Leaders), donors, and corporate partners — and why it matters.

This is how we are continually turning our personal tragedy into cultural transformation. Your enduring support makes this work possible.

Explore our Annual Impact Report here or download the full report.* You’ll see how your support is making a transformational impact in schools and communities nationwide.

* Please note that data and statistics in the downloadable report and on this page are through June 30, 2023.

On a bitterly cold January 14th, 2013, grieving Newtown families made a solemn promise to do all that they could to protect children. To make our nation a safer, better place by turning conversations into action. The Sandy Hook Promise mission is to educate and empower youth and adults to prevent violence in schools, homes, and communities.

Impact Through the Years

2023 Highlights

Upstanders, Changemakers, and Champions

Real Change is Possible

President Obama speaking at Sandy Hook Promise's gala

Real Change is Possible

“Ten years ago, we would have all understood if the families of Sandy Hook Elementary had simply asked for their privacy and closed themselves off from the world. The temptation must have been powerful, but instead they took unimaginable sorrow and channeled it into a righteous cause and in the face of cruel conspiracy theorizing and nasty partisan politics, and, worst of all, inertia and indifference and the TV cameras shifting to the latest distraction. They just kept on going and set an example of strength, resolve, and grace, which makes me very proud.”
– Excerpt from President Barack Obama’s speech, given at the Sandy Hook Promise 10-Year Remembrance Benefit

Our Program Impact

Sandy Hook Promise is the only national organization taking a holistic, public health approach to ending the gun violence epidemic. This includes a combination of community-based programs, rigorous research, bipartisan policy, and a National Crisis Center, accredited by the American Association of Suicidology (AAS).

Our signature Know the Signs programs are based on thorough research on the root causes of school violence and mass shootings. Simply put — they work.

* Impact #s as of June 30, 2023

21 million+ students and adults participated in the Know the Signs programs

24,000+ schools and organizations nationwide using Sandy Hook Promise’s programs.

Start With Hello teaches students in grades K–12 how to minimize social isolation and create a more inclusive and connected school community.
Impact: 11M+ participants

Say Something Program Logo

Say Something offers age-appropriate training for students in grades K–12 to understand how to recognize warning signs and threats — especially on social media — of someone who may be considering harming themselves or others, and how to intervene by telling a Trusted Adult.
Impact: 4M+ participants

Say Something Anonymous Reporting System builds on the core Say Something program with an anonymous reporting system via a downloadable app, telephone hotline, and website for safe reporting of concerning behaviors or threats to our National Crisis Center.
Impact: 5M+ participants

• 15 credible planned school shooting attacks averted
• 170,000+ anonymous tips reported
• 3000+ mental health interventions
• 400+ students saved from suicide
• 118+ acts of violence with a weapon have been prevented 

SAVE Promise Club Logo

Led by our National Youth Advisory Board, SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere) Promise Club empowers young leaders to take an active role in increasing school safety and preventing violence in schools and communities.
Impact: 4,400+ Clubs in elementary, middle, and high schools

Promise Leader graphic

Our super-volunteer network of Promise Leaders generates awareness of Sandy Hook Promise’s mission, encourages participation, promotes passage of legislation, and raises funding to support the delivery of our programs at no-cost to schools. 
Impact: 20,000+ 

Where We Are Going

Sandy Hook Promise is investing in expanding the reach and impact of the Know the Signs programs, initiatives, and policies through continued development of best-in-class practices. This will help ensure achievement of our goals in innovation, cultural responsiveness, and our ability to broadly scale our programs and the policies that support them.

Financial Accountability

Financial Accountability

Sandy Hook Promise values your rights as a donor and we work hard to be good stewards of your generosity. We’re proud to be a transparent charity. What’s more, we’ve received a Platinum Star Seal for Transparency from GuideStar and a 100% rating from Charity Navigator for Finance and Accountability. 

Financial Accountability

Sandy Hook Promise values your rights as a donor and we work hard to be good stewards of your generosity. We’re proud to be a transparent charity. What’s more, we’ve received a Platinum Star Seal for Transparency from GuideStar and a 100% rating from Charity Navigator for Finance and Accountability. 

Sandy Hook Promise Is A Recognized top rated nonprofit Organization

Sandy Hook Promise Is A Recognized top rated nonprofit Organization

Charity Navigator seal
Child Abuse Prevention Services Logo
Platinum Transparenct 2022 award