Sandy Hook Promise’s Know the Signs programs teach students to reach out to a trusted adult when seeing warning signs of someone who may be in crisis and need help – or when needing help for themselves. Our National Crisis Center provides a safe and confidential trusted adult for communities to contact in these situations.
The Crisis Counselors are there to receive and respond to every message from the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, listen to the students’ concerns, provide relevant resources, and reach out for immediate help when warranted. When an imminent, life-threatening situation is identified, the counselors quickly call local response teams — including school administrators, social workers, and law enforcement officials — into action.
Shootings have been averted. Suicides and countless other acts of violence have been prevented. By getting youth the help they need, our National Crisis Center saves lives.
Our National Crisis Center is accredited by the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) in recognition of the program’s exemplary service in suicide prevention and education.
It’s the only crisis center dedicated solely to school-based anonymous reporting nationwide, supported by highly-trained and compassionate Crisis Counselors who monitor the app, website, and hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Our Crisis Counselors go through extensive and ongoing training that includes evidence-based best practices, as well as accredited suicide prevention and crisis counseling certification programs.
They also work for more than six weeks under the watchful eyes of an experienced Counselor before handling any anonymous tips on their own.
Learn more about the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System and how to bring it to schools in your community.
Our proven Know the Signs programs teach youth and adults how to prevent violence, shootings, and other harmful acts.
Committed to driving change to protect children, measuring our effectiveness to learn and celebrate our shared success.
Through our sister organization, Sandy Hook Promise Action Fund, you can help change policy to enact common sense reforms.