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Online Virtual Learning for Bullying, Violence and Suicide Prevention

The Sandy Hook Promise Learning Center is a free online learning management system for our award-winning Know the Signs training programs which includes Start With Hello, Say Something, and Say Something Anonymous Reporting System programs. You’ll find on-demand video trainings, violence prevention and anti-bullying curriculum, lesson plans, and learning tools. It’s an easy to use, one-stop-shop for Know the Signs resources.  

The online courses were designed by educators with decades of experience in curriculum development, leveraging programs informed by research. The Learning Center includes full training videos, interactive lessons, school safety lesson plans, and a searchable digital library of resources. 

Get started on our Learning Center. 

Educator using computer to access the learning center portal.

What’s Available on the Learning Center?

Educators, parents, students and community members can access our program materials anywhere you can access the internet. Programming is available from your phone, tablet or desktop. You can use it in your class on campus or within your Youth Serving Organization, by sharing via Google Classroom. Programs are on demand so you can use them any time. You and your fellow educators will get resources to support:

  • Students in their understanding of racial equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Students and adults in the Sandy Hook Promise Know The Signs training programs.
  • Engaging student learning activities to build communities of Upstanders.
  • Customizable curriculum to meet educator needs.
  • Engaging learning interactive activities for all ages.

We also have call to action weeks, live events and guidance to implement your own pep rallies supporting the programs. Subscribe to our Educator Newsletter to learn about opportunities to connect, share best practices and reinforce learnings.

Students in auditorium getting trained on Sandy Hook Promises's programs

Learning Center Features

  • A fresh design that allows users to learn about the programs before registering
  • A digital library that allows users to easily find and access materials and resources
  • Curated bundle of resources gathered as a Collection to experience the five stages within our program cycle
  • Built-in process to collect feedback from schools about the training videos and resources
  • Options for educators to track student activity within the site
  • Materials available in Spanish, Haitian Creole, Vietnamese, and Portuguese

Is the Learning Center Easy to Use?

Yes! You can register as an educator, caregiver, community member, or a youth serving organization member. All you need is an email address. It’s 100% free for you to sign up and access all our program materials, thanks to the generosity of Sandy Hook Promise supporters. The site is fully accessible and compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). And if internet access is an issue in your community, many of the resources can be downloaded and implemented by an educator without access to a computer in the classroom.

While many users like to learn by poking around the site, as educators ourselves we understand that some learners prefer to read the instructions first. Explore with our Getting Started Guide to see step-by-step details on using the Learning Center and read our Frequently Asked Questions.

Do you still have questions? Our dedicated experts are here to help if you need any support. Just contact us online and select “I’d like to learn more about your programs” from the drop down. They’re on standby to help 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST during the work week.

How to Get Started with the Learning Center

Register for free for the Sandy Hook Promise Learning Center. There you’ll find the full online curriculum, free of charge. Still have questions? Our dedicated programs staff are also available to support you and to answer any questions. Contact us for more information.