Say Something Student Guide – This easy-to-use guide is designed to assist peer leaders and SAVE Promise Club members in sustaining Say Something throughout the year. It includes tips for getting started; key action steps and messages to emphasize; and ideas, activities and resources that young people can do throughout the year to carry Say Something forward and create a culture of “upstanders.”
Say Something Parent Brochure – The Say Something Parent Brochure is a tool that is provided by the school or youth organization, and can be sent home via email, for parents and caregivers to help continue the Say Something conversation at home.
Say Something Faculty and Staff Letter Template – Administrators, counselors, and organization leaders. use this notification letter template to notify staff that you will be launching the Say Something program.
Say Something Family Notification Letter Template –Educators, use this template to notify families that their children will be participating in the Say Something Program.
Say Something Training Announcement – Educators and community leaders, use this template to introduce the Say Something framework.