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Say Something Week Social Media Action Kit

Celebrate Student Upstanders and Trusted Adults!

Know The Signs. Say Something. Save Lives.

Our national Say Something Week (March 3-7, 2025) creates a culture to prevent school violence. Keep the spirit going all year long to create a safe school climate!

Group of students in Say Something Program

How You Can Take Action

Raise awareness of the importance to “Say Something” to a trusted adult when you recognize the warning signs of someone at-risk of hurting themselves or others.

1. Post our graphics, sample messages, or profile photo frames on any social media channel where you are active.
2. Take the Say Something Week School Challenge and share your daily activities on social media.
3. Follow us and share our posts! When you post, be sure to use the hashtags #SaySomethingWeek #SaySomethingSavesLives.


View the gallery and download your favorite images, available in various sizes for different social media channels. When you post a graphic, use one of our sample messages and tag us.

Sample Messages

Copy these sample posts to share on your social media channels. Include with one of our graphics or post with your own photo or video.

This #SaySomethingWeek, I’m raising awareness on learning the warning signs of violence and how to get help. Here are the 3 steps:
– Recognize The Signs
– Act Immediately, Take It Seriously
– Say Something
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Now more than ever, it’s essential to learn the critical warning signs of violence. At-risk people can show significant or sudden changes in behavior or personality. #SaySomethingWeek #SaySomethingSavesLives
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In 4 out of 5 school shootings, at least one other person had knowledge of the attacker’s plan but failed to report it. People who hurt themselves or others often show warning signs before they carry out an act of violence.
#SaySomethingWeek #SaySomethingSavesLives
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I promise to be an #Upstander and ”Say Something” when I see someone at-risk of hurting themselves or others.
#SaySomethingWeek #SaySomethingSavesLives
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I promise to be a #TrustedAdult and listen when students ”Say Something” to me.
#SaySomethingWeek #SaySomethingSavesLives
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I promise to be a #TrustedAdult and #KnowTheSigns so that I am able to best support youth in our community.
#SaySomethingWeek #SaySomethingSavesLives
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Gun violence is preventable when you know the signs. “Say Something” upstanders have helped Sandy Hook Promise prevent 16 school shootings and 300+ acts of violence with a weapon. Learn the warning signs:
#SaySomethingWeek #SaySomethingSavesLives
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Profile Photo Frames

Share the Say Something Week spirit on your social media profile photo! Take a selfie then post your photo with a Say Something frame. Here are some easy options:

  • Download one of the transparent files below and add your photo using your favorite design tool. Or simply use the Say Something logo as your profile photo.
  • Use these Canva templates. You will need to log in or sign up for a free Canva account, upload your photo, then drag and drop into the template of your choice.

Say Something Week School Challenge

Take the daily challenge and share your activities on social media. Remember to tag us and use hashtags #SaySomethingWeek #SaySomethingSavesLives!

Monday: Learn the warning signs of violence. Train, review, celebrate the 3 Say Something steps.

Tuesday: Pledge to be an Upstander.

Wednesday: Create a peer support network.

Thursday: Thank a Trusted Adult who helped you.

Friday: Unity Fri-Yay! Come together as a community of unity and wear green as a symbol to prevent violence.

Thank you for participating in Say Something Week and celebrating Student Upstanders and Trusted Adults! Please continue to raise awareness of the importance to “Say Something” throughout the year.