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Start With Hello Week Social Media Action Kit

Help Build A Movement

Connect and Unite Children and Youth

Small but powerful actions can promote inclusion and kindness. Our Start With Hello program teaches students in grades K-12 to build connections, end loneliness, and help each other.

Be part of the culture change to create safer and kinder schools and communities! Join us for our national call-to-action week.

How You Can Take Action

Hello educators, school administrators, parents, students, SAVE Promise Clubs, caregivers, and trusted adults! Raise awareness of the importance to Start With Hello and help combat social isolation, which often leads to bullying, violence, and depression.

  1. Post our graphics, sample messages, or profile photo frames on any social media channel where you are active.
  2. Take the Start With Hello Week School Challenge and share your daily activities on social media.
  3. Follow us and share our posts. When you post, be sure to use the hashtagc#StartWithHelloWeek.


View the gallery and download your favorite images. See more graphics available in various sizes for different social media channels. When you post a graphic, use one of our sample messages or say “Hello” to a few friends by tagging them (and us!).

Sample Messages

Copy and customize these sample posts to share on your social media channels. Include with one of our graphics or post with your own “Hello” photo or video.

  • For #StartWithHelloWeek, I promise to say “Hello” to someone new each day.
    Post this now
  • We are celebrating #StartWithHelloWeek to build a culture of inclusivity and empathy!
    Post this now
  • Loneliness and depression can cause children and youth to pull away and, in serious situations, even hurt themselves or others. #StartWithHelloWeek teaches students to be more inclusive and connected to each other. Be part of the culture change!
    Post this now
  • Most students who committed deadly school attacks were badly bullied. #StartWithHelloWeek builds empathy and empowers students to end social isolation. Learn more:
    Post this now
  • Our school is part of #StartWithHelloWeek because ________________.
    Post this now

Profile Photo Frames

Share the Start With Hello spirit on your social media profile photo! Take a “Hello” selfie then post your photo with a Start With Hello frame. Here are some easy options:

  • Download one of the transparent files below and add your photo using your favorite design tool. Or simply use the Start With Hello logo as your profile photo.
  • Use these Canva templates. You will need  to sign up or log in to a free Canva account, upload your photo, then drag and drop into the template of your choice.

Start With Hello Week School Challenge

Take the Start With Hello Week daily challenge at your school and share your activities on social media! Remember to tag us and use the hashtag #StartWithHelloWeek.

Meet-n-Greet Monday: Meet someone new, use your own personalized “Hello Style!” Use these invitations, asks, and shares for ideas.

Upstander Tuesday: Show appreciation to the Upstanders in your school community. Give an Upstander Certificate or Upstander-GRAM to someone who reaches out and helps others!

Wear Green Wednesday: Green Out! Wear green today as a symbol of unity and solidarity with Sandy Hook Promise.

Trusted Adult Thursday: Thank a Trusted Adult today. Trusted Adults are always spreading the Start With Hello spirit! You can use this certificate or note of gratitude.

Moving Forward Fri-Yay: Make a Start With Hello Promise Pledge to keep the Start With Hello spirit going throughout the year!

Thank you for participating in Start With Hello Week and celebrating the amazing work of educators, students, and community members in building socially inclusive learning environments for all children and youth! Please spread the Start With Hello spirit throughout the year!