Sandy Hook Promise statement on Raleigh mass shooting

NEWTOWN, Conn. — Yesterday, five people were killed and at least two people were injured in a mass shooting in Raleigh, North Carolina. This shooting comes in what may be the deadliest year for mass shootings on record. According to the Gun Violence Archive, the U.S. is averaging nearly two mass shootings per day; more than 500 so far this year.

In response to the latest tragedy, Nicole Hockley, co-founder and CEO of Sandy Hook Promise and mother of Dylan, who was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy issued the following statement:

“Our hearts are heavy for the families and friends of the victims of this latest mass shooting in Raleigh. Yet again, our country mourns for lives lost to gun violence. The grief is accompanied by our collective fear for our own loved ones and ourselves. We fear that when we send our kids to school in the morning they won’t come home in the afternoon. We fear that as we live our everyday lives — attending religious services, having a night out on the town or shopping for groceries — we will fall victim to the American gun violence epidemic.

“Our national pain and fear must embolden us and inspire our resolve to take action to stop gun violence. We must resist the urge of resignation and, instead, reject the notion that gun violence is inevitable because we know that the opposite is true; gun violence is, in fact, preventable.

“Undisputed research proves that gun violence prevention programs and policies can save lives. Simple actions like background checks for all gun sales, safe storage, magazine limits for firearms and extreme risk protection orders are proven to save lives and are remedies legislators should pass now.

“The greatest way we can honor all of the victims of American gun violence is to take action to save lives — so that no other families suffer the horrific pain of having a loved one taken by gun violence. We must demand that public officials take immediate action to help end gun violence now.”


Sandy Hook Promise (SHP) envisions a future where all children are free from school shootings and other acts of violence. As a national nonprofit organization, SHP’s mission is to educate and empower youth and adults to prevent violence in schools, homes, and communities. Creators of the life-saving, evidence-informed Know the Signs prevention programs, SHP teaches the warning signs of someone who may be in crisis, socially isolated, or at-risk of hurting themselves or others and how to get help. SHP also advances school safety, youth mental health, and responsible gun ownership at the state and federal levels through nonpartisan policy and partnerships. SHP is led by several family members whose loved ones were killed in the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. 

Media Contact:

Loretta Kane | [email protected] | 917-410-7242