This webpage includes all the resources you need to implement a successful Say Something program and Say Something Week. There are six sections:
Sandy Hook Promise’s no-cost Say Something program teaches students to recognize the warning signs of someone at-risk of hurting themselves or others and how to “say something” to a Trusted Adult to get help. Say Something develops social-emotional learning (SEL) skills and seamlessly aligns with existing SEL curriculum, instruction, and programs.
Each year, thousands of schools and youth organizations nationwide participate in Say Something Week. They come together to raise awareness about the Say Something program, as well as celebrate Upstanders and Trusted Adults. Below are resources that will help you to implement a great Say Something Week!
The Say Something Week Kit provides ideas and best practices for teachers, staff, and administrators. The kit provides easy-to-implement activities —whether you do activities all week or just one day of the national call-to-action week.
This Say Something Week Planning Guide for Youth Leaders provides ideas and best practices for students seeking to play a leadership role in implementing Say Something Week. The guide provides a planning strategy and sample activities for the entire week or even one day.
Download and share Say Something Week Daily Themes and Activities (Spanish) and the Say Something Week Daily Themes and Activities Elementary. Use this customizable flyer to promote your Say Something Week.
Here are additional to help you promote and implement a great Say Something Week. They include our new Social Media Action Kit and customizable documents you can download and make your own.
New Elementary Resources
The following are activities that can be completed within ten to fifteen minutes. These activities align to the Say Something message and build engagement through creativity, personal expression, interactive learning, and social interaction.
Resources for Families
More Resources for a Successful Say Something Week
The Say Something Letter Template for Educators introduces the Say Something program to your school or youth organization.
You can find the Say Something training videos on Sandy Hook Promise’s online training center at Once registered, you will have access to videos you can show in a classroom or virtual setting, and/or those that students can view independently using unique logins and passwords.
The first step of the Say Something program is to deliver the Core Training via video or using the DIY model. Both are located at Sandy Hook Promise’s Learning Center.
The following Say Something Training Workbooks can be used to complement the Core Trainings. You will find activities you can use during the student training to engage your students in this life-saving content.
This course expands on the Core Training to help students recognize the specific warning signs of suicide in their peers, take these warnings signs seriously, and get help immediately. Due to the sensitive nature of the content, an in-person school setting is required for this course. Located at Sandy Hook Promise’s Learning Center.
After the student training, sustain the Say Something program into your school or youth organization’s culture using the resources below.
After you deliver the Core Training to students, you can begin to integrate the Say Something principles into your school’s culture by regularly engaging students in the Say Something lesson plans. Use this Educator Handbook to help you plan to use the Say Something curriculum.
This two-minute video is designed to help promote Say Something and teach the three steps. It can be used to quickly remind students of the three–step process and can also be shared with school staff, parents and community members.
The Say Something Parent Brochure is a tool to help continue the Say Something conversation at home. Available in English and Spanish.
Resources are available in multiple languages including Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Kreyol, and Vietnamese.
Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Promise Clubs are student-led organizations that work to prevent violence in their communities by teaching, modeling, and sustaining Sandy Hook Promise’s Start With Hello and Say Something programs.
Students in all grade levels can start or join SAVE Promise Clubs, either as a stand-alone club or embedded into an existing club such as SADD, Student Council, FCCLA, or another student leadership, civic, or kindness club.
Many SAVE Promise Clubs are successful meeting only once or twice a month and organizing four activities throughout the year.
Click here for more information about SAVE Promise Club and how to start one.